2017 NigerHeritage Conference (Chicago)

The first conference was held in Chicago (August 16-17, 2017) at the Neubauer Collegium (University of Chicago) to launch NigerHeritage and discuss background and general plans for its various projects (photographs by Erin Fitzgerald).

Review conference topics, schedule, and speakers.

Bisa Williams (Former US Ambassador to Niger), is the moderator of the conference.

Lisa Roberts (Museum Consultant, Chicago) addresses the conference.

Didier Dutheil (Paleontologist, Paris) addresses the conference.

Paul Adderley (Geoarchaeologist, University of Sterling, UK) addresses the conference.

Rebel Roberts (Lead Architect, Stantec, Chicago) addresses the conference.

Mohamed Alhassane (student archaeologist, Agadez) addresses the conference.

Attendees visiting the Fossil Lab of Professor Paul Sereno learn about the process of preparation and development of archaeological and paleontological finds.