2018 Chicago Conference

A second conference was held in Chicago (July 30-August 2, 2018) at the Neubauer Collegium (University of Chicago) to discuss background, plans and options for the various projects encompassed by NigerHeritage (photographs by Max Herman).

Review conference topics, schedule, and speakers.

Daniel Diemeier (University of Chicago Provost) welcomes the attendees to the conference.

Jonathan Lear (Anthropologist and Director of the Neubauer Collegium) opens the conference.

Mohamed Anacko (President, Regional Counsel of Agadez) addresses the conference.

Bisa Williams (Former US Ambassador to Niger), is the moderator of the conference.

Assoumana Mallam Issa (Minister of Cultural Rennaissance, Niger) addresses the conference.

Paul Adderley (Geoarchaeologist, University of Sterling, UK) at the conference.

Paul Sereno (Paleontologist/Archaeologist, Univ. of Chicago) addresses the conference.

Mohamed Alhassane (student archaeologist, Agadez) addresses the conference.

Bess Palmisciano (Niger nomad support, non-profit founder) attends the conference.

Mahamadou Mouctar (High Commissaire, Programme Niamey Nyala, Niger) and Seyni Moumouni (Director of Institute for Human Research) attend the conference.

Didier Dutheil, Paleontologist and Filmmaker, points to the triple burial of Gobero from Niger’s rich past on display at the conference

Philanthropist, Robert Vladem, and colleagues examine different model plans for museums